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In recent years, the concept of a ketamine clinic has gained considerable attention, not only in medical circles but also among individuals seeking alternative treatments for a range of conditions. Ketamine, a medication that has traditionally been used as an anesthetic, is being administered in controlled clinical settings to address various mental health and chronic pain issues.

In this article, we’ll explore what to expect from treatment at a ketamine clinic from the moment you walk in until after your treatment. Let’s dive in!

What Is a Ketamine Clinic?

A ketamine clinic is a specialized medical facility that offers ketamine therapy for individuals suffering from conditions like depression, anxiety, and chronic pain. During therapy, patients receive controlled, low-dose ketamine infusions administered by medical professionals. Ketamine has shown promise in rapidly alleviating symptoms in some cases, particularly treatment-resistant depression.

These clinics provide a safe and monitored environment for patients to receive the treatment. The therapy is gaining attention as a potential breakthrough in mental health care and pain management.

Before Treatment

Before your first appointment at a ketamine clinic, you will likely be required to undergo an initial assessment. This assessment serves several purposes:

Medical History

A thorough review of your medical history is a foundational step at a ketamine clinic. This process is vital to ensure that ketamine therapy is a safe and appropriate choice for your specific health profile. By assessing your medical background, the clinic’s medical staff can identify and address any potential contraindications or health concerns that might impact the treatment’s safety and effectiveness.

Mental Health Evaluation

The clinic conducts a comprehensive mental health evaluation to gain insights into your current emotional and psychological state. This evaluation delves into your condition, symptoms, and treatment objectives. By understanding your unique needs and goals, the clinic can customize the ketamine treatment plan to provide you with the best possible therapeutic outcomes.

Informed Consent

Prior to beginning ketamine therapy, you will be provided with detailed information about the treatment, including its potential benefits and possible side effects. Informed consent is a critical ethical and legal requirement, ensuring that you understand the treatment’s nature and potential risks. Any questions or concerns you have regarding ketamine therapy should be addressed during this stage to ensure your full comprehension and comfort, as mandated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Treatment Plan

Following the assessment and evaluation, the clinic’s medical team will develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. This plan outlines the frequency and duration of ketamine treatments, the method of administration, and any additional steps required for your care. This individualized approach ensures that your treatment aligns with your unique circumstances, increasing the likelihood of successful outcomes in managing your mental health.

During Treatment

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Ketamine therapy sessions are typically conducted at the clinic. Here’s what you can anticipate during a typical treatment session:

Safe and Controlled Environment

Ketamine therapy is administered in a secure and closely supervised environment to prioritize your safety. Clinic staff, including medical professionals, are present to monitor and manage the treatment process. This controlled setting ensures that any unexpected reactions or complications can be promptly addressed, creating a secure and reassuring space for patients seeking therapy.


Ketamine can be administered through various methods, including intravenous (IV), intramuscular (IM), or as a nasal spray. The specific method employed is determined by your treatment plan and the clinic’s established protocols. The choice of administration method is made to optimize the effectiveness of the therapy while considering your individual needs and preferences.


A typical ketamine therapy session lasts approximately 45 minutes to an hour. During this time, patients often enter a relaxed state, known as a dissociative state. This unique mental state is characterized by a sense of detachment from ordinary consciousness, enabling patients to explore their thoughts and emotions more deeply.


Throughout the entire treatment session, healthcare professionals will closely monitor you to ensure your well-being and safety. This monitoring is essential for promptly addressing any potential side effects or adverse reactions, helping to mitigate risks and provide a higher level of care.


Ketamine therapy may induce altered perceptions and sensations during the treatment. Many patients report feeling calm and experiencing introspection. It can be a profound and transformative experience, helping individuals gain new insights into their mental health challenges. This altered state can be a key component of the therapeutic process, as it allows patients to explore their thoughts and emotions in a unique and constructive way.

After Treatment

Your journey doesn’t end with the last ketamine session. The post-treatment phase is equally crucial for your well-being and long-term success. This section discusses:


Following a ketamine therapy session, it’s common to require some time for full cognitive and physical recovery. The clinic will typically provide a designated recovery area where you can relax and regain your faculties in a safe and tranquil environment. This post-treatment period allows you to slowly return to your normal state of consciousness and prepare for your journey home.


It is strongly recommended not to drive immediately after a ketamine therapy session. The treatment may temporarily affect your coordination and cognitive abilities. To ensure your safety, arrange for transportation to and from the clinic, such as a friend or family member, or use a ride-sharing service. This precaution minimizes the risk of accidents or mishaps.


Ketamine therapy often consists of a series of sessions rather than a one-time treatment. To maximize the effectiveness of the therapy, it’s essential to adhere to your treatment plan and attend follow-up appointments as scheduled. These sessions are strategically spaced to ensure you receive the full therapeutic benefits and make progress in managing your mental health condition.


Ketamine therapy extends beyond the treatment room. The insights and emotions experienced during the sessions can be profound and transformative. To help you integrate these experiences into your daily life, many clinics incorporate a therapeutic component. This may involve counseling, psychotherapy, or other supportive methods to guide you in applying the therapeutic revelations to your ongoing mental health journey. This integration process enhances the long-term impact of ketamine therapy on your well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is ketamine treatment safe?

Ketamine treatment is generally considered safe when administered by skilled medical professionals in a controlled setting. However, like any medical procedure, there are potential risks and side effects associated with ketamine therapy. It is important to discuss your medical history and any issues with your healthcare provider before starting treatment.

How soon can I anticipate to see improvements in my condition?

The timeframe for experiencing improvements in your condition can vary contingent on the specific condition being treated and individual factors. Some patients may notice positive effects after just one session, while others may demand multiple treatments over time. It’s crucial to work closely with your healthcare provider to determine the right treatment plan for your needs.

Are there any potential side effects of ketamine treatment?

Ketamine treatment may have side effects, which can include nausea, dissociation, increased heart rate, and elevated blood pressure. These effects are normally short-lived and subside after the treatment session. Your healthcare provider will observe you during the treatment to manage any side effects.

What is the cost of ketamine therapy, and does insurance cover it?

The cost of ketamine therapy varies depending on the provider, location, and the specific type of treatment. It’s important to check with your healthcare provider or clinic to get accurate pricing information. In many cases, insurance may not cover ketamine therapy for certain conditions, so it’s advisable to inquire about payment options and any potential financial assistance programs that may be available.


Treatment at a ketamine clinic can offer a lifeline to individuals suffering from treatment-resistant mental health conditions. Understanding the process, from the initial consultation to post-treatment care, is vital for making informed decisions about your journey to improved mental well-being. By exploring this guide, you are better prepared to embark on your path to a brighter and healthier future with ketamine therapy.

At Sunshine Infusion, we offer ketamine treatment in a safe and supportive environment. Take the first move towards improving your mental health and well-being. Contact us today for more information and to schedule your treatment.